We are very excited to announce that this is Currans Flowers first year growing local sunflowers!
Sunflowers are an annual plant, grown for beauty and seed. They are remarkably tough and are heat and drought tolerant. They grow best in direct sunlight and prefer long summer days, preferably 6-8 hours of sun.They are heavy feeders and require rich soil that is slightly acidic to somewhat alkaline. It is important for the soil to be able to drain well. The one thing that is harmful to sunflowers is flooded soil.
We did a test crop of 500 plants in the Procut Orange and Procut Yellow varieties. We planted 100 plants each week over a period of 5 weeks. Each plant took between 4 and 7 days to germinate. After 3 weeks we transplanted them to growing crates and moved them outdoors. We were able to begin harvesting the them 8 weeks after we first planted them.
We are hoping to expand the crop even more next year!
We will be using these gorgeous flowers in arrangements, selling them at the store, and selling them at the Danvers Farmers Market.